We currently do not have a Sunday School hour. Classes will begin again on Sunday, June 2nd at 9 am


Pursuing Jesus Together

God designed His church for us to walk together. No member of the church is to walk alone. This is difficult in a culture that is fragmented, isolated, and autonomous. Christ nourishes the members of the church through the preaching of the Word and as each member engages in the “one-anothers"” of the New Testament. At Rincon Mountain, we encourage this through life groups.


What are LIFE Groups?
Life Groups are a context for all generations to walk together in pursuing Jesus and his glory.  Optimally 10-14 people developing real community with one another.  Where bearing burdens, confessing sin, sharing testimonies, fervent prayer, and studying God’s word is the focus of our fellowship.

When do LIFE Groups meet?
Life groups typically meet twice a month either during an evening or on a Sunday afternoon. Each group determines its own exact schedule.  

To take a more in-depth look at RMPC LIFE Groups, read the complete LIFE Groups Overview.

Current Life Groups Final


Join a Life Group

If you are interested in learning more about life groups or would like to join one, please click the following link to fill out an interest form. 

Fill out our form!