We currently do not have a Sunday School hour. Classes will begin again on Sunday, June 2nd at 9 am


Rincon Mountain's Men's Ministry provides opportunities for men to grow closer to Christ and closer to each other. To accomplish this we study the Bible together, serve the church together, and shoot clay pigeons together.


Bible Studies

Monday Night Bible Study
Led by Grant Brown. An in-depth study of a book of the Bible. Meets in the conference room on Monday evenings.

Friday Morning Bible Study (a.k.a. "Mountain Men")
Led by Stu Sherard. A roundtable discussion of a book of the Bible. Meets in the conference room on Friday mornings. Donuts and coffee are provided. 



Men's Breakfast and Workday
These bi-annual events include food, fellowship, and service—a rare combination! They provide an opportunity for us to help our facility staff with routine maintenance projects while also giving us the opportunity to encourage and fellowship with each other. Contact the church office for more info about the next workday (530-327-2390).

Desert Shoot-out (DSO)
This annual mini-retreat takes us deep into the wilderness of southern Arizona, where men and men-in-training (5th grade and up) enjoy good food, relevant teaching from the Bible, and mutual encouragement—all in the context of pulverizing targets and clay pigeons. We hope you're able to come to our next DSO!

Learn more about the men's events on our Calendar 

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